CIVILHOOD: Enhancing unaccompanied minors transition to early adulthood through civic education and labour market integration
Duration of the project: 01.01.2022 – 31.12.2023
Civic education is an important yet sometimes overlooked vehicle for integrating migrants into the labour market, especially unaccompanied minors who are transitioning into adulthood. To promote their entry into their new country’s workforce in a manner which is mutually beneficial to them and their host communities, the Civilhood project will train professionals engaged in their support in the 5 participating Member States (Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Slovenia and Austria) to provide them with the civic skills necessary. The proposed action is designed to promote the treatment of unaccompanied minors as rights-holders, in accordance with their best interests as children.
The main proposed activities are:
- Needs analysis and exchange of good practices (WP2);
- Training for professionals providing support to UM in the public and private sector, and pilot training for UM (WP3);
- Development of sustainable training and awareness tools in multiple languages, including most commonly spoken migrant languages (the “Civilhood handbooks”–WP4);
- Dissemination, communication and awareness activities, including a roundtable at the EU Parliament (WP5).
The project will train 350 stakeholders on the innovative Civilhood method, which will pilot test their new knowledge and skills by training 150 unaccompanied minors. A total of 3 handbooks will also be developed for unaccompanied minors, stakeholders and trainers. The project’s results and outputs will be presented both to national and to EU stakeholders and policy-makers. BeneficiariesShort-term: NGO staff, public servants, hr officers, unaccompanied minors participating in the project activities. Mid-term: national stakeholders, migrant communities, unaccompanied minors in the participating countries, employers, training providers. Long-term: the business sector in the participating countries, national and EU policy-makers, unaccompanied minors and actors supporting them across the EU.
The main objective is to support the enhancement of social skills and labor capabilities of UAC in order to facilitate their access to the labor market&ensure self-reliance after adulthood.This goal is addressed to the development of an innovative training methodology linking civil education AND the skills to empower UAM and facilitate their integration in labor markets ;the creation of an effective network of stakeholders and child-protection specialists able to provide support and quality contribution to the development of social integration policies through training and employability actions.The expected impact is:It tests an innovative approach for employability and labor skills development through civic education.An approach developed for UAM,which after a close and exhaustive needs analysis, it translates into a curriculum and a specific methodology.It trains professionals and applies the training modules in 5 national contexts; it evaluates the training outputs;it builds an international community of stakeholders able to disseminate results of previous actions and exert influence over the policy making on social integration and employability at 4 local, regional and transnational level.